This year is already off to an amazing start and change certainly seems to be in the air bringing with it a fresh scent of optimism and renewed faith. It was quite evident in the upcoming election where US Senator Barack Obama swept the primaries in Iowa and gave a powerful punch in New Hampshire. Who could imagine that a black man could win a majority white state with less then 2% black representation? Lets face it folks, the world as know it is certainly changing.
Community Board 3 (CB3) which represents Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill neighborhoods is also embodying this spirit of change. Under the chairmanship of lifetime resident and former educator, Brenda Fryson meetings are running much smoother, attendants have picked up, younger residents are participating and people are walking away from each meeting with a sense of community.
This past Monday, January 7, 2008, CB3 held its first gathering for the New Year. Ms. Fryson and her fellow committee members once again presented a well rounded informative agenda chuck full of empowering information.
Before the meeting got under way, City Councilman Al Vann gave greetings and updates from his office. Mr. Vann, one of very few New York City elected official to openly support US Senator Barack Obama’s bid for President, encouraged attendees to vote in what is sure to be a “significant election.”
Councilman Vann also gave updates on the City Council’s recent approval and passing of a sales tax lien on water and sewage allowing the Department of Environmental Protection to sell stand alone tax liens on overdue bills. The water tax lien comes as a compromise to avoid a mid year water and sewer increase. Liens will apply only to accounts one year overdue with a balance over $1,000 and will exclude single family properties, home owners receiving certain tax exemptions for senior citizens, disabled or low income homeowners. Councilmember Vann was one of very few council members to vote against the lien.
Councilman Van’s office is also committed to freeing the community of predatory lending and is calling on all three levels of government – local, state and federal – for support.
On a more uplifting note, on January 31st Councilman Vann will host a recognition reception honoring over 18 local schools, including Bedford Academy which had an overall 100 point evaluation, for their outstanding academic achievements. For additional information, please call Council Member Vann’s office at (718) 919-0740.
Both the Youth and Health & Social Service committees held a joint panel for community service and organization providers who gave short informative presentations. First panelist was Michael Smith from The Stuyford Eagle Scout. Bedford Stuyvesant and its surrounding neighborhoods has over 17 packs that operate in various churches that need adult volunteers. Volunteers are asked to make a commitment to provide mentoring and guidance for scout members a majority of which come from single family homes. According to 11 year old Eagle Scout Anthony Smith, these are productive environment where adolescent males can learn “self control and grow up to become responsible adults.”
Tracy Agerton, Program Director and Alzen Whitten, Brooklyn Site Director, for New York City’s Newborn Home Visiting Program, shared information on their program which provides home visit to mothers who have recently given birth. According to their pamphlet and presentation, New York City welcomed in 2,221 new born citizens with Newborn Home Visitor’s greeting 1,231 or 55% of the population. Program participants spend 1 – 2 hours at each home providing educational instructions including SID prevention and encouraging mothers to breast feed; conduct environmental assessment which includes checking for led paint, proper window guard installation and other environmental hazards; along with proper installation of smoke and carbon monoxide protectors. In 2007, 23% of the homes visited had potential led problems and 25% of the homes were missing a smoke detector. Newborn Home Visitor’s works in concert with HPD and other agencies to correct these problems. For additional information contact The Newborn Home Visiting Program in North or Central Brooklyn, a (646) 253-5700; South Bronx, call (718) 579-2878 and East or Central Harlem, call (212) 360-5942.
Other presenters included Covenant House; Achievement First College Preparatory Public Charter Schools; and medical students of the University of New York Downstate Medical Center who are volunteers at the new Brooklyn Free Clinic, located at 613 Throop Avenue. The center, which opened Tuesday, January 8, provides free health care for uninsured adults in the Brooklyn community. For additional information, visit online at www.brooklynfreeclinic.org.
The meeting ended with a public hearing for a three story 23 unit residential building to be developed under the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s (HPD) Corner stone Project. A presentation was given by Bridge Street Development which plans to instruct the proposed green space affordable housing complex. Bridge Street is proposing to provide more then 50% of the units to current residents.
Prior to the meeting adjourning, Chair Brenda Fryson also introduced CB3’s “Heads Up” updates which mission includes the following:
Address the welfare of the District
Communicate with the People of the District
Participate in the Budgeting process and the Capital Program
Monitor and Evaluate the Delivery of Services
Conduct Community board Business
The bi monthly listing includes important issues concerning the community and the committees that are addressing them. January/February items include the proposed Department of Environmental Protection sale of tax liens -; the proposed selling and development of Pfizer Corporation’s land - Land Use/Economic Development Committees; mental health challenges in the wake of the death of young Khiel Coppin – Health and Social Services Committees; Bedford Stuyvesant’s safety task force; renovation of Macon Branch Library; Fulton Street construction – Civic Committee; time line on the renovation of the Macon Branch Library – Parks, Arts and Culture Committee; and others.
Keith L. Forest is a freelance publicist, writer and proud Bedford-Stuyvesant home owner who lives and works in the beloved community. His current blog space mybedstuy.blogspot.com seeks to celebrate the people and places that make up this great community while addressing issues such as gentrification, predatory lending and other ill norms that seek to exploit, discredit and harm the area and its people.
This year is already off to an amazing start and change certainly seems to be in the air bringing with it a fresh scent of optimism and renewed faith. It was quite evident in the upcoming election where US Senator Barack Obama swept the primaries in Iowa and gave a powerful punch in New Hampshire. Who could imagine that a black man could win a majority white state with less then 2% black representation? Lets face it folks, the world as know it is certainly changing.
Community Board 3 (CB3) which represents Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill neighborhoods is also embodying this spirit of change. Under the chairmanship of lifetime resident and former educator, Brenda Fryson meetings are running much smoother, attendants have picked up, younger residents are participating and people are walking away from each meeting with a sense of community.
This past Monday, January 7, 2008, CB3 held its first gathering for the New Year. Ms. Fryson and her fellow committee members once again presented a well rounded informative agenda chuck full of empowering information.
Before the meeting got under way, City Councilman Al Vann gave greetings and updates from his office. Mr. Vann, one of very few New York City elected official to openly support US Senator Barack Obama’s bid for President, encouraged attendees to vote in what is sure to be a “significant election.”
Councilman Vann also gave updates on the City Council’s recent approval and passing of a sales tax lien on water and sewage allowing the Department of Environmental Protection to sell stand alone tax liens on overdue bills. The water tax lien comes as a compromise to avoid a mid year water and sewer increase. Liens will apply only to accounts one year overdue with a balance over $1,000 and will exclude single family properties, home owners receiving certain tax exemptions for senior citizens, disabled or low income homeowners. Councilmember Vann was one of very few council members to vote against the lien.
Councilman Van’s office is also committed to freeing the community of predatory lending and is calling on all three levels of government – local, state and federal – for support.
On a more uplifting note, on January 31st Councilman Vann will host a recognition reception honoring over 18 local schools, including Bedford Academy which had an overall 100 point evaluation, for their outstanding academic achievements. For additional information, please call Council Member Vann’s office at (718) 919-0740.
Both the Youth and Health & Social Service committees held a joint panel for community service and organization providers who gave short informative presentations. First panelist was Michael Smith from The Stuyford Eagle Scout. Bedford Stuyvesant and its surrounding neighborhoods has over 17 packs that operate in various churches that need adult volunteers. Volunteers are asked to make a commitment to provide mentoring and guidance for scout members a majority of which come from single family homes. According to 11 year old Eagle Scout Anthony Smith, these are productive environment where adolescent males can learn “self control and grow up to become responsible adults.”
Tracy Agerton, Program Director and Alzen Whitten, Brooklyn Site Director, for New York City’s Newborn Home Visiting Program, shared information on their program which provides home visit to mothers who have recently given birth. According to their pamphlet and presentation, New York City welcomed in 2,221 new born citizens with Newborn Home Visitor’s greeting 1,231 or 55% of the population. Program participants spend 1 – 2 hours at each home providing educational instructions including SID prevention and encouraging mothers to breast feed; conduct environmental assessment which includes checking for led paint, proper window guard installation and other environmental hazards; along with proper installation of smoke and carbon monoxide protectors. In 2007, 23% of the homes visited had potential led problems and 25% of the homes were missing a smoke detector. Newborn Home Visitor’s works in concert with HPD and other agencies to correct these problems. For additional information contact The Newborn Home Visiting Program in North or Central Brooklyn, a (646) 253-5700; South Bronx, call (718) 579-2878 and East or Central Harlem, call (212) 360-5942.
Other presenters included Covenant House; Achievement First College Preparatory Public Charter Schools; and medical students of the University of New York Downstate Medical Center who are volunteers at the new Brooklyn Free Clinic, located at 613 Throop Avenue. The center, which opened Tuesday, January 8, provides free health care for uninsured adults in the Brooklyn community. For additional information, visit online at www.brooklynfreeclinic.org.
The meeting ended with a public hearing for a three story 23 unit residential building to be developed under the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s (HPD) Corner stone Project. A presentation was given by Bridge Street Development which plans to instruct the proposed green space affordable housing complex. Bridge Street is proposing to provide more then 50% of the units to current residents.
Prior to the meeting adjourning, Chair Brenda Fryson also introduced CB3’s “Heads Up” updates which mission includes the following:
Address the welfare of the District
Communicate with the People of the District
Participate in the Budgeting process and the Capital Program
Monitor and Evaluate the Delivery of Services
Conduct Community board Business
The bi monthly listing includes important issues concerning the community and the committees that are addressing them. January/February items include the proposed Department of Environmental Protection sale of tax liens -; the proposed selling and development of Pfizer Corporation’s land - Land Use/Economic Development Committees; mental health challenges in the wake of the death of young Khiel Coppin – Health and Social Services Committees; Bedford Stuyvesant’s safety task force; renovation of Macon Branch Library; Fulton Street construction – Civic Committee; time line on the renovation of the Macon Branch Library – Parks, Arts and Culture Committee; and others.
Keith L. Forest is a freelance publicist, writer and proud Bedford-Stuyvesant home owner who lives and works in the beloved community. His current blog space mybedstuy.blogspot.com seeks to celebrate the people and places that make up this great community while addressing issues such as gentrification, predatory lending and other ill norms that seek to exploit, discredit and harm the area and its people.
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