Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dedicated Legal Eagle and Community Activist
Launches Campaign for Upcoming Vacant Seat
By Keith L. Forest

Election year is here and the airwaves are cluttered with headlines, news bites and rhetoric from the presidential campaign trails. However, as we gear up to choose the next leader of the free world, we should be mindful of other important races shaping up on the local level. One in particular is the upcoming judgeship for Kings County Civil Court.

According to Newyorkcourt.gov website, New York City Civil Court which consists of small claims and housing courts is the largest volume jurisdiction civil court system in the nation producing over ½ a million cases annually. Established in 1962, this court system merges the City and Municipal City Courts together.

For many, including yours truly, the court system could be a daunting, overwhelming emotional experience that requires expertise and knowledge to navigate through. That is why it is so important that we as a community have people on the bench that best represent our individual and collective interests. Lisa Ottley is that person.

An eight year veteran of the New York State Court system, Lisa Ottley is known for her legal expertise in the areas of civil litigation and landlord /tenant law. As the current Associate Court Attorney to Civil Court Judge Hon. Alice Fisher Ruben, Lisa has garnered a reputation for being the knowledgeable go-to-person and strong advocate for the people of Kings County.

It is this passion and commitment to serve the underserved that has led Ms. Ottley, who received her undergraduate degree from City College, masters from Hunter and law degree from Temple University School of Law, to follow her dream and pursue the Civil Court Judgeship.

Keith - What inspired you to want to become a judge?

Lisa Ottley - People in general. Knowing that without someone who cares and has an understanding as to what is truly going on, the unrepresented and/or underrepresented will continue to be at a disadvantage. Also, I am inspired because everyday that I go to work, I know that somehow and someway I will encounter a situation that I can either help resolve or be a part of in terms of making it better. I enjoy what I do, and I know that I can make a difference by listening, being fair and compassionate. I have a passion for the law and for people. It is what drives me to help others and educate those who do not know the law.

Keith - Who inspires and motivate you?

Lisa Ottley - Again, I am inspired by people. Those people who encourage me to move forward with words of wisdom and kindness. I am motivated by the law when it is unjust and in knowing that I can make a difference on the bench. This year I was motivated by the movie "The Great Debaters." It was inspiring and it re-affirmed my commitment to the law.

Keith - Who were your role models growing up and those now?

Lisa Ottley - My parents are my role models to this day. They raised me to be strong-willed, determined and dedicated. Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Martin Luther King, my argumentation and debate instructor, Professor Wilson who taught me at City College, women judges, Harriet Tubman. There are so many, all who were determined to make a difference and change those things that they believed they had the power to change.

Keith - What do you hope to accomplish?

Lisa Ottley - I hope to accomplish many things in life. While I do understand that all things will not happen in my lifetime, I will be happy to know that I helped accomplish the goals that made life easier for those who were unable to find their own way. I hope to provide knowledge, wisdom and understanding to all that I come in contact with. I want to continue to accomplish my goal of giving without looking for something in return. I want to be informative. I want people to know that if I can help that I will, and if not that I will try to find someone who can be of assistance. I hope to accomplish those things that God has chosen me to do, and I do believe that I am on my way to doing just that.

Keith - What do you perceive your legacy to be?

Lisa Ottley - I pray that the legacy I leave behind will be one of philanthropic proportions. (This is ) one of giving, caring and understanding - a legacy which provided knowledge, care, wisdom and love.

Keith - What advice would you give young women wanting to pursue a career in law?

Lisa Ottley - Stay focused! Young men and women in your life will come and go, things that you want to do but do not need to be doing now will come your way again, and if it doesn't, then you will know that it was not for you. Opportunities are there, be diligent in your pursuits and always look to improve yourself, and every aspect of your life.

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