Monday, December 17, 2007

Free Program for Young African American Men - Share the Information

Greetings, everyone. An important note to alert you to a great opportunitybeing offered by the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation. It is aFREE afterschool readiness program for BROOKLYN teenagers from low-incomebackgrounds.I've personally done workshops with this initiative, which is led by Ms.Kizzie Brown. The program not only benefits the young people, but there arealso free life and skill development sessions for parents and guardians aswell. It is one of the best programs I've come across for young people inthe entire borough of Brooklyn. And I've worked with several.The problem is that not enough young Black males are applying to theprogram. So Bed Stuy Res Corp needs your help, PLEASE. I am asking you toshare this email and the attached details about the program with yournetwork, and to PLEASE encourage as many 15-18 year old Black boys as youcan, either directly or via their parent(s) or guardian(s), to apply.THE DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2007.The person to contact is Ms. Kamara Snagg at 718-636-6987 for registrationand further information.A lot of times we hear complaints in New York City about what programs donot exist for our youth. Well, there are a number of programs, like thisone. We just have to be very proactive about sharing the information witheach other, and with our respective communities.Sincerely,Kevin Powell

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