Saturday, March 15, 2008

Monthly Meeting Presented Valuable Resources
Along with Life Saving Information

Community Board 3, which represents the Bedford Stuyvesant and Ocean Hill communities, held its monthly meeting, March 3, 2008 at Restoration Plaza. Under the leadership of Brenda Fryson, CB3’s board chair, monthly attendance continue to soar as new projects, open forums are implemented in an effort to keep the community at large informed and aware.

In its effort to continue to enlighten residents of the vast opportunities and encourage community involvement, CB3 launched its monthly informational panel. This month the Economic Development Committee chaired by Richard Flateau, presented the “Growing Our Community’s Business” forum where participant Nikima Frenche, who chairs Bedford Stuyvesant Business Alliance, encouraged attendees to “Shop Bedstuy.” “Our businesses and community need your support,” said Ms. Frenche, who owns the Le Chateau de Frenche Day Spa & Private Tea Room on Tompkins Avenue. Other panels included Christina McSwain, Marketing coordinator for Project Enterprise; Joel Dabu, Program Manage, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation’s Commercial Revitalization and Amini Kakunju, Executive Director for Workshop in Business Opportunities (WIBO) which offer a 14 week training program that prepares entrepreneurs on how to run and operate a successful business.

CB3 also presented an informational forum from Department of Environmental Protection which recently received approval from city council to place liens of property owners are1 year behind in payment up to 1,000. Representatives from DEP discussed solution including payment incentive programs which can greatly reduce outstanding balances and offer special assistance to senior and disabled occupied and owned residence. Deadlines for these programs have been extended and those interested in learning more are encouraged to contact DEP at (718) 595-7000.

Chairwomen Brenda Fryson also encouraged property owners to contact Department of Finance who is re instituting its property tax lien. The agency is willing to assist with low down payments and installment agreements and is offering exemptions for seniors and disabled homeowners. For additional information contact Department of Finance at (212) 504-4039 or visit the Brooklyn office at 210 Joralemon Street, 1st Floor.

Bridge Street Development Corporation, one of Bed Stuy’s leading community development corporations, is seeking a letter of support for a grant which will alow them to improve street-scaping along the Tompkin Avenue commercial strip. The grant, along with matched funds from businesses, can help to perk up overall store-front exterior and interior appearance and landscape along the shopping corridor. Board unanimously voted in favor of its support.

Keith L. Forest is a freelance publicist, writer and proud Bedford-Stuyvesant home owner who lives and works in the beloved community. His current blog space seeks to celebrate the people and places that make up this great community while addressing issues such as gentrification, predatory lending and other ill norms that seek to exploit, discredit and harm the area and its people.

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